ICOS Welcomes Provision for 100% National Co-Financing in EU Dairy Package

The Commission gave the green light this week for revised provisions in the delegated regulation structuring the dairy package where countries will be allowed to provide a national top-up to complement their lump-sums.

This means that Ireland’s €13.74 million package could conceivably be boosted to over €27 million should the finances and government will be found over the coming weeks.

ICOS will be working inside and outside the recently convened Dairy Forum to suggest ways in which this money can be made work best for dairy co-operative members in this time of difficulty.

In addition to the national envelope legislation, revised details of the beefed up Private Storage Aid scheme for Skimmed Milk Powder giving a new improved 100,000 tonne ceiling and support extended up to 12 months. Also details of the new cheese PSA scheme also emerged, and this was more disappointing with Ireland being allocated just under 2% of the 100,000 tonne quota there on the basis of our overall European cheese production.

Clearance for the early payment of EU Direct and Pillar 2 payments to help the liquidity situation of farmers was also attained.

This legislation passed without problem so far during the week.

ICOS will be working with Commissioner Hogan and his team to ensure other components of the dairy package such as movement on mitigating volatility, trade measures, food chain issues and promotion schemes to export markets are delivered to the benefit to dairy producers in the coming months.


By Conor Mulvihill

European Affairs Executive