Top Marks for Co-op Graduates

Diploma in Corporate Direction (Food Business)

Board members of several co-operatives throughout Ireland were recently awarded Diplomas in Corporate Direction (Food Business) following their successful completion of the innovative course designed by ICOS Skillnet and University College Cork.

ICOS Skillnet is the learning and development division of the Irish Co-operative Organisation Society (ICOS).

The initiative aims to improve the capabilities of directors and senior management to positively influence the strategic direction and corporate governance of food companies in Ireland.  It forms part of leadership development initiatives by the Plunkett Institute for Co-operative Governance, established by ICOS.

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Diploma in Corporate Direction

Diploma in Corporate Direction (Food Business)

This “Diploma in Corporate Direction (Food Business)” is organised by the Food Industry Training Unit, College of Science, Engineering and Food Science, UCC in association with the Department of Food Business and Development and the Centre for Adult Continuing Education, UCC.

ICOS Skillnet has partnered with University College Cork to bring the industry this diploma course which will be commencing in June 2017. The “Diploma in Corporate Direction (Food Business)” is a Management Development Programme for co-operative board members and senior management.  This innovative Programme is designed to address the special needs of co-operative board members and senior management in a rapidly changing agri business environment.

Programme Aims and Objectives

The key aim of the programme is to improve the capabilities of directors and senior management in positively influencing the strategic direction and corporate governance of food companies in Ireland.  Participants will build on existing skills and develop new management capabilities in a highly interactive learning environment stimulated by academics and industry presenters.  More specific aims and objectives include:

  • To develop and enhance corporate governance skills.
  • To acquaint participants with the latest international food business practice.
  • To develop and enhance the interpersonal and communication skills of the participants.
  • To develop a strategic approach to the management and development of food organisations involving a full understanding of the key drivers of the food industry.
  • To explore the impact of the changing global food policy environment on the Irish agri-food sector.
  • To apply learning from the course to solving company problems while focusing on current issues.
  • To create a learning environment by promoting dialogue among participants and with industry specialists and academic staff.

Duration and Admission

The programme consists of nine modules, broken into seven blocks of 2-days and one block of 3-days. All eight blocks are residential workshops held throughout the country.

Participants will build on existing skills and develop new skills in positively influencing the strategic direction and corporate governance of their organisation.

 This programme is developed for directors and senior managers in the food industry who may not hold a related academic qualification.

 Course Schedule & Locations

UCC Diploma 2015
Modules Content: Dates: Venues:
1 Communications & Presentation Skills 14th & 15th

June 2017

The Plunkett House, 84 Merrion Square Dublin 2
2 Corporate Governance 28th & 29th

June 2017

UCC Cork
3 Leadership, Organisational Development & Change 6th & 7th

September 2017

UCC Cork
4 Financial Appraisal for the Food Industry 27th & 28th

September 2017

Killeshin Hotel, Portlaoise
5 International Marketing 11th & 12th

October 2017

UCC Cork
6 Strategic Management 1st & 2nd

November 2017

UCC Cork
7 Policy & Regulatory Environment Framework 22nd & 23rd November 2017 UCC Cork
8 New Technologies & Future Food Developments 6th & 7th

December 2017

UCC Cork
9 Project Ongoing

Participants are required to make their own arrangements in relation to transport and accommodation at the various locations where the training is to take place.

What to Expect

Upon commencing the programme, a full breakdown of the programme will be given to participants, outlining what the specific learning outcomes are per module, the assessment criteria, the duration per module, appeals procedures etc.

Learners’ Responsibilities

Learners are required to actively partake in the training and to engage with others in the learning process.

It is the responsibility of learners to ensure that you behave in an appropriate manner and that you treat all others with respect, dignity and as equals. This is a mandatory requirement under the equality legislation.

Learners are also encouraged to actively participate in all group exercises and to complete all coursework as required for certification purposes.

NB: any learners with particular requirements such as learning, language difficulties, or disabilities should discuss their needs with the course tutor.

 Available Supports

Learners will have support from University College Cork throughout the duration of the course and contact can be made with the Food Industry Training Unit, UCC by contacting Mary McCarthy-Buckley, Training Manager on Tel 021 4903363 email

Materials & Equipment

Learners will be provided with course materials throughout the delivery of the programme. Some of the materials supplied may be kept by the learner and must be used as a further reference to facilitate learning. Materials supplied may differ from materials shown by the tutor during any classroom based learning instruction. You will be advised by the tutor as to which materials are intended for you to keep.

Where materials and equipment are supplied solely for the purposes of training, but that are not to be retained by the learner, learners are requested to ensure safe and proper use of the same. Learners are requested not to damage these and if damages are found to report it to the tutor immediately.

Each participant will be given the relevant training materials as the course progresses, in line with the specific modules being delivered at the time.

Course Evaluation

Learners are requested to complete course evaluation forms in respect of each module that is done.  Completed course evaluation forms should be returned to the tutor at the end of the course.

Further Information

For further information, please visit or contact:

ICOS Skillnet                                                                      

84 Merrion Square                                                       

Dublin 2    

Tel: 01 613 1348



University College Cork

Food Industry Training Unit

College of Science, Engineering & Food Science

Tel: 021 490 3363
