Teagasc Launch “The People in Dairy Project”

Teagasc on 2nd June launched a Report entitled “The People in Dairy Project”.

The Report identifies the future labour requirements of Irish dairy farming. It concludes that by 2025 an additional 2,315 full time equivalents and 3,958 successors are needed to facilitate a sustainable expansion of the Irish dairy industry with the average dairy farmer 58 years of age. The report highlights the structural changes ongoing on dairy farms with the proportion of dairy cows in herds of 100 cows or greater increased from 13% in 2005 to 47% in 2015.

The main recommendations from the report include the following:

  1. Promotion of Dairy farming as an attractive career
  2. Expand participation in the level 7 professional diploma in dairy farm management programme
  3. Promote labour efficient farm practices
  4. Develop new training programmes for existing dairy farm employers, with a special emphasis on HR skills, including health and safety
  5. Develop initiatives that recognise excellence in dairy farming
  6. A national coordinating organisation is required to oversee implementation

The report can be viewed at the following link: https://www.teagasc.ie/media/website/publications/2017/The-People-in-Dairy-Project.pdf


By Eamonn Farrell

Agri Food Policy Executive