Call for Participants in High Level Trade Mission to China

European Commissioner for Agriculture, Phil Hogan, will be leading a trade mission to China from 14-19 May 2018 and has called for senior representatives of EU agri-food companies and producer organisations to participate in an accompanying business delegation.
The mission will start with a visit to Shanghai (14- 17 May) and will be followed by activities in Shenzhen (18-19 May), including seminars on the characteristics of the local market and consumer trends, as well as retail visits, networking opportunities and a visit to the SIAL Shanghai.
Please note that participates must cover their own travel and accommodation expenses and only one person per organisation can officially take part in the business delegation.
If you are interested in participating, please register by the 7 February via the following the link:
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at and if you do register, be sure to let us know so that we can arrange a letter of support for your application on behalf of ourselves and the European Association Copa Cogeca.
By Alison Graham
European Affairs Executive