Cautious Welcome for New Marts Legislation

Provision on young calves must also be introduced for farm-to-farm sales

The Irish Co-operative Organisation Society (ICOS) has cautiously welcomed the introduction of new legislation for livestock marts.

Announced by Minister Michael Creed, the Animal Health and Welfare (Livestock Marts) Regulations 2018 are being enacted under the Animal Health and Welfare Act 2013 and they replace the Livestock Marts Act 1967. The new regulations is due to take effect on 1st January 2019 and marts will be required to have a new licence in place by that date.

The regulations will prohibit the sale of calves under 10 days of age at livestock marts – a measure designed to support animal health and welfare.

ICOS Livestock Services Executive, Ray Doyle said, “We have been working with the Department, as have other industry stakeholders, in updating outdated aspects of the Livestock Marts Act 1967. The Department has given ICOS assurances on numerous occasions that legislation prohibiting the sale of calves will also be introduced for farm-to-farm sales. ICOS fully expects this to be the case and, provided this occurs, will support the introduction of new legislation. A situation cannot occur that causes any distortion to current trading practices”.