ICOS CEO among strong line-up at major dairy conference

A radical assessment of the future of Irish milk production is the theme of a high-level dairy conference set for Cork on June 8th. ICOS CEO, TJ Flanagan, is among the line-up of experts and dairy farmers participating in the “Fine Tuning Irish Dairy” event which is being organised by the National Dairy Council, AXA and “Enjoy it’s from Europe.”
This event, now in its fourth year, will cover the current challenges and opportunities for the Irish dairy industry. From production to processing to consumer markets, the conference will engage with industry leaders to provide guidance on the future; and will examine potential management changes to prepare for increased human, animal, and weather stresses.
Ireland South MEP Billy Kelleher will deliver the opening address and will highlight the many legislative proposals being debated at EU level which will have a profound impact on Irish dairy farming. Nature Restoration Law, Animal Welfare Legislation, the Nitrates Directive, and other EU Green Deal measures are all before the EU parliament for voting in the coming months and the outcomes will impact on the future direction of Irish agriculture.
TJ Flanagan will be joined by dairy farmer, Joe Deane and National Dairy Council CEO, Zoe Kavanagh on a panel to discuss nitrates, reduced stocking rates and animal welfare. Accommodating climate change on commercial dairy farms is another topic for discussion at the conference and will feature contributions from Dr. Frank O’Mara – Director of Teagasc, former Macra President – Thomas Duffy, IFA Deputy President – Brian Rushe and ICMSA Deputy President – Denis Drennan.
Other speakers at the event in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island include David Kennedy, Head of Dairy at Bord Bia, Longford dairy farmer – Mike Magan, Eoin Lowry – Head of Agribusiness with Bank of Ireland and Professor Karina Pierce from the School of Agriculture and Food Science at UCD.
Places are limited and tickets can be purchased here: