Have your say on the Future Skills Needs of Agriculture, Agri-Food and Co-operative Sectors across Europe

Partners from seven European countries (Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden) are involved in a Research Project aimed at assessing the current and future skill needs of workers in the agriculture, agri-food and co-operative sectors. ICOS is one of the lead organisations of the research project (LeadFarm 5.0, ERASMUS+ project) which is being carried out over a two-year period and aims to identify the top skills requirements across 5 areas as follows:

  • Sustainability
  • Business & Entrepreneurship
  • ICT & Robotics
  • Social & Emotional Intelligences
  • Soft Skills

You are invited to take 15 minutes to complete the survey (see link below) and then to share the link with other stakeholders across industry, including Agricultural Advisors, Agri-Food Companies, Co-operatives, Education Providers (Higher Education & VET Providers), Farmers, Policy Makers and Students or any others this may be relevant to, across the broader value chain.

Your views will help us to further develop training curricula in the context of the ERASMUS+ project “LeadFarm 5.0” which will eventually be used in training institutions in different European countries. You may, in the future, have some benefits from participating in this study as its aim is to ultimately help workers in the Agriculture, Agri-Food and Co-operative sectors to be better trained for current and future market and social demands.

Direct Link for the Survey can also here found here:


The information provided in the survey’s responses will remain totally confidential and will only be used in an aggregate manner to identify underlying trends and demands across European member states. Please feel free to pass this survey on to as many persons within your broader value chain / stakeholder network, that operate in areas of Sustainability, Business/Entrepreneurship, ICT & Robotics, Social & Emotional Intelligences and Soft Skills.

If there is any aspect of the project that you would like to discuss further, or feel you may need support with, please do not hesitate to get in touch via email to: billy.goodburn@icos.ie

To learn more about the “#LeadFarm5.0 Project”, please visit https://leadfarm-project.com/