ICOS Stalwart retires after 18 years in Plunkett House

Gerry Armstrong

At the beginning of May, ICOS said goodbye to staff member Gerry Armstrong who announced his retirement. Gerry joined ICOS in 2006 and over the past 18 years, become an integral member of the ICOS team. Dealing, as he did, with a very complicated area such as Pensions, he earned an enormous level of trust and respect from both Co-op management as he led the administration of their DEA scheme, and literally thousands of ordinary workers, through the ICSPS Scheme.

He was very conscious that many of the members as they came to retirement, or dealt with bereavement, were vulnerable and dealing with complex pension issues. He always dealt with members with respect, and put them at their ease, as he talked them through the process, and their options. 

We wish Gerry a fruitful and happy retirement.