Learn how to better promote the Social Value of YOUR Co-operative to Stakeholders

Over the last number of years, ICOS has been involved in the AgriCoopValue Project, which is a pan-European project involving seven partners from six countries (Croatia, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Portugal, and Spain) aimed at establishing a model for calculating the social value of a co-operative. As part of the process, a standardised methodology was developed that enables co-operative businesses to monetise the value of a co-operative. It is a true measurement of local positive impact of a co-operative.

The AgriCoopValue Project partners have developed an eLearning programme to give co-operatives a better understanding of the process, which explains how co-operative businesses can use the “SPOLY” model to calculate the social value of their co-operative. Additional supports and engagement are available through ICOS should you be interested in exploring this further.

If you want to find out more about the monetisation of the social value of a co-operative, you can participate in FREE online training, that will help explain the various stages involved. You can do this by setting up a free account.

To access the free training scan the QR code or visit the link below.
